Our Ostrich Embossed Vinyl Fabric is mainly used for upholstery projects but many designers used it to make fashionable bags. I know that real leather ostrich bags can range from $200 dollars up to thousand dollars depending on the brand. But with our ostrich vinyl fabric you can save money plus it looks the same as real leather and it prevents the extinction of precious animals like the ostrich. Our ostrich vinyl fabric is only $8.99 per yard, imagine this – you can do up to two purses depending on the size for only $8.99 plus materials for a total of maybe $15.99 per bag. You can do bags for yourself or for profit.
The uses of our Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric are highly versatile; that is why the designers and various other fabric enthusiasts simply admire it and use it on headboards, belts, chairs, clothing accessories, hats, room decorations, automotive decorations and more. Our Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric comes in 4 colors. has a width 53 inches and is sold by the yard. We offer samples and wholesale prices too. Contact us for more info at (213) 221 8022

Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric Red

Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric Nutmeg

Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric Burgundy

Ostrich Embossed Upholstery Vinyl Fabric Black